Welcome Pilgrims

I'm Kevin ... Nice to meet you

Hi, I’m Kevin, a.k.a. the “Grumpy Pilgrim”, the author of several books about travel, business and languages in Asia. Is travel more than a vacation to you? Is it more like a pilgrimage, a journey of discovery?
You aren’t alone. For several decades I’ve been traveling and discovering, writing and taking photographs, and questioning what matters. By using this website, you can learn about waypoints we might share along the journey.
Countries I've Visited
What people are saying about this site ...
This website is completely misleading. The entire plot revolves around finding countries on a map. However, there is no mystery as the countries are plainly visible ON THE MAP ABOVE! The second you realize the countries are in plain sight the story falls apart. Save your money!

William Haas
Strategic Analyst
Shoot fire! This is plumb good. My mominem was fixin' to take a trip to Cambodia but we didn't know a visa from snap beans. The Grumpy Pilgrim learnt me good. We had a larrupin good time pokin' around Anger What?

Billy Bob
So my roommate uses this website all the time and on more than one ocassion I've awoken in the middle of the night to find my roommate passed out on the living room floor. I think nothing of it and I go back to sleep. The next morning I wake up to go to work and there's a Latvian guy asleep on my couch. This is the second time my roommate has let a Latvian off the street just stroll in and pass out. I credit the Grumpy Pilgrim.

Sarah Bellum
As seen in ...
Bugtussle Bugle

Eufaula Today
Good Morning Amritsar